The Art of The Deal

The Conflict: Trump’s proposal to cut federal funding for the arts. Chance’s Perspective:  A short video called “A Fire in My Belly” was introduced to the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in 2010. However, it was heavily criticized by Republican senators arguing against its messages about gender identity and sexual orientation. Because public museums are funded … More The Art of The Deal

“Chance and Sachin Don’t Know Squat About Politics”… Debatable

“You’re just KIDS, what would you know about politics?” you might ask. Well, young adults are often open-minded. While we may be viewed as idealistic and impressionable, we often find unique solutions where adults can’t. Ultimately, we offer a fresh perspective and a platform to share ideas. While we agree that we don’t have as much experience … More “Chance and Sachin Don’t Know Squat About Politics”… Debatable

President Trump’s First Month in Office

Chance’s Perspective:  President Trump’s first month in office has been a series of highs and lows; highs in the first half of the month and lows in the second. President Trump’s policies were outstanding in the first two weeks, with his selection of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, the initiation of border wall construction, the … More President Trump’s First Month in Office

Travel Ban Trade-Off

Chance and Sachin aren’t fans of this ban. Read on to find out why. Sachin’s perspective: President Trump’s executive order banning 218 million people from entering the United States is more than shocking. It’s downright scary. According to the New York Times, the executive order bars citizens from 7 Muslim-majority nations (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, … More Travel Ban Trade-Off