“Chance and Sachin Don’t Know Squat About Politics”… Debatable


“You’re just KIDS, what would you know about politics?” you might ask.

Well, young adults are often open-minded. While we may be viewed as idealistic and impressionable, we often find unique solutions where adults can’t. Ultimately, we offer a fresh perspective and a platform to share ideas.

While we agree that we don’t have as much experience as certain political figures, we research our topics extensively, ensuring that our opinions are driven by evidence. Discussing current events allows us to achieve this practically, in both strengthening our positions and responding to other sides of the debate. 

Since we’re somewhat new to the whole political blog process, we tend to be less stubborn and more capable of reevaluating positions and achieving common ground than elders who are more set on their ways.

When it comes down to it, there are many issues that pertain to millennials, and since we will eventually be the generation in charge, we need to start setting our foundation now. Health care, affordable education, and equal protection under the law will affect us for the rest of our lives, and it’s imperative that we discuss these issues now to create a future that we can all enjoy.

Compromise isn’t always achievable, and it’s not always desirable. You shouldn’t turn your back on your values just to please someone else. However, we can still move past the partisan nonsense and find common ground whenever possible. We, Chance and Sachin, have been finding common ground left and right, pun intended, proving that these two high school teenagers should definitely be allowed in the political arena.

Only when we disagree without being disagreeable can we make progress.

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